Sunday, March 24, 2013


Receivables are claims of money, goods, or services to customers or other parties. For financial reporting purposes, accounts receivable are classified into current and non-current receivables. Current receivables are expected to be collectible within one year or selaa period. All other receivables are classified as non-current receivables. Receivables further classified as non-trade receivables and trade receivables.
Trade receivables are amounts owed ​​by customers for goods and services that have been provided as part of normal business operations. Usually classified as accounts receivable and notes receivable.
Accounts receivable is a verbal promise from the buyer to pay for goods or services sold. The note receivable is a written promise to pay a sum of money tetentu on a specific date in the future.

Non-trade receivables from various transactions. Some examples of non-trade receivables are:
1. advances to employees and staff
2. advances to subsidiaries
3. deposit to cover possible losses and damages
4. Deposit as a guarantee of the provision of services or payment
5. Dividends and interest receivable

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